106 N 79th Street, Seattle, WA 98103

(206) 782-2810

(206) 782-2810



Final parish families to be announced February 3, 2024

To learn more about Partners in the Gospel, please visit archseattle.org/Partners.

Our PROPOSED Parish Family Group
St John the Evangelist
St Alphonsus
St Benedict

Sign up for the Partners UPDATE Newsletter.

Prayer for Partners in the Gospel

Gracious God, we praise and thank you
for the Catholic Church in Western Washington.
We praise and thank you
for the women and men
who have shared the joy of the Gospel here
for more than 170 years.
Send your Holy Spirit upon us
that we might encounter your Son anew
and become more effective partners
in sharing the Good News of his saving love.
May our partnership in the Gospel
empower us to be your missionary disciples,
bringing the Good News to all,
especially to those who are marginalized or hurting in any way.
Give us the courage,
the flexibility and the vision
to renew parish life,
so that the good work,
begun long ago,
may continue among us,
and one day, be brought to completion
in your Kingdom,
where you live and reign
for ever and ever.