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(206) 782-2810

(206) 782-2810



What's the Latest with the Synod?

Visit the Archdiocese web page for the latest information.
Click here for more information.

Interim stage of the Synod

During this interim stage between the two Synod assemblies in Rome, the Vatican invited local churches to undertake a second consultation, about the co-responsibility of the baptized. From January through March 2024, the Archdiocese of Seattle listened to several groups, including priests, youth, the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council and Chancery leadership. Click here for the synthesis of the listening report.

Synod Process Report 

St. John completed a Synodal Listening process in early April.  Over 70  parishioners participated in two listening sessions and provided their input!  Please see the attached letter from Fr. Crispin that was provided to the participants.  It summarizes the results of the sessions and next steps for St. John.  The letter includes links to St. John’s summary document submitted to the Archdiocese and the submittal of the Archdiocese to the US conference of Bishops.

St John Synod Listening Sessions

We’d like to thank the 76 parishioners who participated in our parish synod listening sessions on March 27 and April 3.  Their input was rich and constructive.  Many of their suggestions involve actions we could take at the parish level.  Our synod team will be meeting with parish leadership to assess ways to launch these ideas.  Our parish input went to the Archdiocese on May 6 and appears at the link below.  Please email any comments you may have, or interest in helping to implement these ideas, to: synod@stjohnsea.org

To read the document click here.

To visit the Archdiocese of Seattle Synod page, Click here.

2023 Synod of Bishops

Pope Francis has tasked the bishops to canvass their congregations for input regarding initiatives we, the faithful, would like to see in the Church.  These will be discussed at a synod of bishops that Pope Francis will convene in October, 2023.  Archbishop Etienne has asked each parish in the Seattle Archdiocese to conduct listening sessions and develop a one-page summary of recommendations by early May, 2022.  Father Crispin has asked Nicole Hardie, Lawrence Kent, and Jim Russell to organize and conduct these sessions at St. John’s.  They spoke at the masses on March 12th and 13th, conducted the sessions on March 27th and April 3rd, and sent our input to the Archdiocese on May 6th. 

We are so grateful for the work these individuals have put into this process.