Please email the Chairperson to let them know you are coming.
Please remember that agendas are set before the meetings,
so topics suggested at the meeting may be held for consideration at a future meeting.
If you are interested in serving on one of the Councils or Commissions
please contact the Parish Office at 206-782-2810.
The Pastoral Council is a consultative body to the Pastor that recommends parish priorities and directions through pastoral planning and long-range visioning. The council also fosters understanding among the parishioners and parish organizations through communications and open dialog.
Chair: Joe Sullivan
The Finance Council facilitates the on-going mission and ministry of the parish through the stewardship of the parish’s financial and personnel resources. Working with the Pastor and Pastoral Assistant for Administration, the council recommends priorities, directions and policies; oversees the parish budget; and engages in long-range financial planning.
Chair: Frank Feeman
The Faith Formation Commission serves as a consultative body to the Pastor by assessing the parish’s need for faith formation, ensuring that quality faith formation programs are implemented for all age groups.
Co-Chairs: Rachael Groark and Nicole Hardie
The Liturgy Commission recommends policies and practices to help foster the parish’s sacramental, liturgical and spiritual life. Acting as advisors to the Pastor, the members also collaborate with those in the liturgical ministries.
Chair: Julia Rudden
The School Commission advises and supports the Pastor and Principal in the formation of policy and the ongoing development of the parish school. It works with the Principal and school staff to facilitate the implementation of the school’s Five-Year Plan. The Commission facilitates communication and understanding among the parish organizations.
Chair: Melissa Herron
(206) 782-2810
After Hours Emergencies
(206) 271-3543
St. John The Evangelist Parish
106 N 79th Street
Seattle, WA 98103