Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus

COUNCIL #11085


The Knights of Columbus is an international organization of Catholic men dedicated to putting our faith into action guided by the principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.

For over 140 years the organization has worked to make the world a better place through a variety of charitable works.

Locally our council has helped build a well for a village in Bar-Kowino in Kenya, raised money in support of a variety of Parish programs and ministries, and worked with among others, Special Olympics and Boy Scouts.

Aaron Amort - Grand Knight


Fish Fry

Friday, March 28, 5-8pm *

Please join the St. John Knights of Columbus for their seventh annual Fish Fry at Egan Hall - 123 N 79th St.

Come for a delicious meal of freshly battered fried fish, chips, coleslaw, and this year we are adding clam chowder too!

Please let us know you are coming. Sign up here.

Would you like to help? Sign up here.

Free will donations support the Knight's local ministry and rosary program.

*Fr. Parrish will be leading Stations of the Cross in the Church at 6pm.

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