The Lector has the important and privileged responsibility of proclaiming God's Word at Mass. Any adult or confirmed teen who possesses the ability to read clearly can, and is encouraged, to become a Lector. Time commitment includes some pre-Mass preparation which involves reading aloud the assigned readings for that week to assure proper pronunciation and an intelligent presentation of God’s Word and reading at Mass one or two times a month.
Contact: Keith Overa at
The Ushers are some of the first to arrive, unlocking the doors, making sure worship aids are available, and welcoming parishioners and visitors. They help people find a seat when the church is full, direct the congregation forward for Communion, take up the collection, distribute bulletins after Mass, and make sure the church is locked and secure.
Contact: Joe Giampietro at
Serving at the altar of God is a most sacred way of participating in Mass. Eucharistic Ministers function as servant to the body of Christ, God’s people. The primary focus of
their ministry is to serve our parish with fidelity, reverence, and love. Eucharistic ministers distribute either the Blood of Christ (the Cup) or the Body of Christ (the Plate). Duties are entirely during mass, and do not require early arrival or late departure from mass. An ideal role for someone who loves the Eucharist, but prefers not to do public speaking. Ministers must be confirmed Catholics of any age.
Contact: Lauren Exnicios at
Service at Mass is a very special privilege open to all parish children, grade 4 and above. Altar Service helps to involve our parish young people more directly in the Liturgy. Altar Servers assist the Celebrant at weekend masses, funerals, weddings and special liturgies.
Sign-ups and training are on-going. Each weekend mass calls for three servers, and scheduling is done using Sign-Up Genius - families choose when their child can serve. Training is provided. Altar servers earn stipends when they serve at funerals.
Contact: Laura Root
Sacristans set God's table. Sacristans arrive 45 minutes – 1 hour prior to mass to prepare the church itself - from turning on the lights, lighting the candles, and to setting out the vessels and books for the priest to use at mass. The sacristan assists during the liturgy if needed by the priest, and supports the altar servers in their roles.
Contact: Andrea Vaught
Cheri Wolf
"To sing is to pray twice."
Help lead the assembly in song, as a cantor, choir member, or instrumentalist during Mass. Contact: Toni Fortunato (10:30am Choir)
Dr. Twila McDonell (5pm & 8:30am Choir)
(206) 782-2810
After Hours Emergencies
(206) 271-3543
St. John The Evangelist Parish
106 N 79th Street
Seattle, WA 98103