Coffee and donuts is a time of communion with one another, an important opportunity to connect with your fellow parishioners.
While serving as hosts may feel like a complicated endeavor, it is really a very fun service opportunity for families and students.
If you would like to volunteer in this ministry, please call the Parish Office at 206-782-2810 or email HongPhuc Nguyen at
Volunteering for Parish Events is a great opportunity to meet people and become more involved in Parish life. There are several events throughout the year with a wide range of needs. You can sign up to provide baked goods, help with decorations, serve food, help with games, and much more. If you would like to put your name on a list of people to contact for these types of activities email Teresa Gillett at
Hosting a funeral reception for the death of a loved one is such a gift to the greiving family. We need people to help with set-up, serving, and clean-up. Many funerals take place on weekday afternoons. If you have a flexible schedule and would like to help us in this ministry, please email or call 206-782-2810.
(206) 782-2810
After Hours Emergencies
(206) 271-3543
St. John The Evangelist Parish
106 N 79th Street
Seattle, WA 98103