How To...

How To...

Welcome Newcomers

We welcome you to St. John the Evangelist parish with open arms. Whether you are new to Greenwood and looking for a parish to call home, or perhaps you are returning to the Catholic faith or wondering more about our faith, we are happy you have found us!

A Catholic parish is a faith community—we share worship, and we work together to live out the teachings of the Gospels. We share our gifts of time, talent and treasure both within our St. John parish community and through our ministries, which reach all over the world.

We invite you to engage with us, learn more about us and how you can use your time, talent and treasure for the greater good of all God’s creation.

For those new to the mass, we offer guidance in our worship aid, which includes directions (when to sit, stand, kneel) and the text of the mass responses.

If you would like more guidance, let one of our ushers know that you are visiting and we can assist you.

How Do I?

See some common questions and answers below, or call us at 206-782-2810. 

  • Meet with Fr. Parrish?

    Please call (206) 782-2810 or email

  • Contact the Pastor in an Emergency?

    If you have a pastoral need between 8 am and 4 pm, Monday through Friday, please call the parish office at 206-782-2810. During evenings or weekends, please call the emergency number, 206-271-3543. Please be sure to leave a message AND your phone number. Every effort will be made to call you back as soon as possible.

  • Request a Mass Intention?

    Mass intentions, Mass cards, and Prayer of the Faithful can be arranged through the parish office. Please call HongPhuc at 206-782-2810.

  • Get Communion for the Homebound?

    Please contact the office at (206) 782-2810 with the information about your family member who needs communion brought to them. We will assist you in making arrangements with our volunteer team of Ministers to the Homebound.

  • Have My Child Baptized?

  • Put an Article in the Bulletin or Newsletter?

    The Parish Bulletin is published and distributed at Mass weekly. 

    Articles must be submitted to HongPhuc Nguyen by noon on Wednesday the week before publication. Please submit electronic versions when possible. 

    For further information call HongPhuc Nguyen at 206-782-2810 or

    The Parish publishes a weekly, online newsletter. Notices and announcements must be submitted to Sheila Marty by noon on Tuesday for that week's newsletter.  

    If you would like to recieve the online newsletter or have a submission idea, 

    contact Sheila Marty at 206-782-2810 ext 358 or

  • Register in the Parish?

    You can fill out the registration form online by clicking this link: Registration Form or

    print out the Registration Form and drop it off or mail it to the Parish Office at 106 N 79th St Seattle, WA 98103.  For further information contact the Parish Office at 206-782-2810 or

  • Update My Address?

    Please notify the Parish Office of changes in address, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses so that parish records are kept current. When moving or leaving the parish, please call the Parish Office at 206-782-2810 ext 300 or send an email to

  • Find a Volunteer Opportunity?

    Please look at the Volunteer Page for the many possibilities available at the Parish. We always welcome new volunteers and are excited to meet you! For further information call the Parish Office at 206-782-2810 or send an email to

  • Join a Council or Commission?

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