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Give Here   

Stewardship at St. John

Everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God.
Stewardship is the ability to share our gifts of life – Time, Talent & Treasure with others,
no strings attached and no conditions.
We share these gifts out of our love for God and gratitude to Him.

Annual catholic appeal

The Annual Catholic Appeal funds ministries and services for your local Catholic community – including your neighbors and parish. Your contributions secure the future of the local Church by funding Catholic education, CYO camps, faith formation, and guidance and training for our seminarians, clergy, and lay leaders. Your donation also funds shared services directly supporting your parish.

Click here to donate

Parish Stewardship

At St John we ask that every family make a pledge
each year. Your pledge allows us to fund the many ministries, adult and child religious education programs, sacraments, liturgies, celebrations and costs of having a parish in which to practice our Catholic Faith.

Click here to pledge

Planned Giving

Learn about creative ways to support your parish and parish school through Planned Giving. 

More information

There are several ways to donate to St. John.

  • Weekly envelopes can be placed in the collection basket or mailed to the parish office.
  • You can give electronically with your credit card or bank account through the link to VANCO Services below.
  • You can make one-time easy donations through Venmo using the QR code below.
  • You can  set up online payments through your personal bank.
    If you have any questions or would like our help, please contact the Parish office at 206-782-2810.

Thank you for your generosity.

Bank EFT Services and Credit/Debit Card Services

(One Time or Recurring options available)

We will gladly enter the information for you if that is your preference.
Please print the 
Authorization Form and deliver it to the Parish Office.


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